Mark Pomazan
I’m Mark Pomazan from Ukraine, Kharkov and I’m a volunteer in an EVS project ‘Youth
Gülçin Ceylan
My name is Gulcin Ceylan and I am from Turkey.
I graduated from business administration,
Greta Minkevičiūtė
Hi! Sveiki! Bună!
I’m Greta from Lithuania (our capital is Vilnius, not Riga) and I’m a volunteer in an EVS project
Non-formal enlights rural
Non-formal English Rural Non-formal enligsh rural in Aprilie 2020 Asociația AIDE a încheiat cu succes al doilea proiect EVS (European Voluntary Service) finanțat prin programul Erasmus+. Proiectul @Non-formal enlights rural a fost o mobilitate de 9 luni în care 4 voluntari din Ucraina au interacționat cu copiii și tinerii din comunitate prin experiențe de învățare. […]
Proiectul @Beyond Media Influence
Beyond Media Influence In luna martie 2020 la Centrul de tineret “Youth Hub Rm. Valcea” s-a desfasurat schimbul de tineri “Beyond Media Influence” pentru 36 de tineri din 5 tari respectiv Romania, Macedonia de Nord, Ucraina, Georgia și Turcia. Temele proiectului au fost stirile false și manipularea media iar timp 8 zile participanții au experimentat activități […]
Move and learn
Move on, keep going because mobility is a flow of life per se. You know, even when you are active on the physiological level, all of the functional resources are getting mobilized into one whole system to work fast and productively not only physically but also mentally. If you grow bored, move. Stand up, […]
Well-being through self-regulation
Nowadays a high material standard with a colorful mosaic of surrogates of authentic and meaningful values is absolutely common. By the way, what is well-being personally for you? In society, it’s already known what. But according to your inner indicators? We are always busy, don’t notice some vital needs. Even if not, we are Homo […]
Leila Ait Uali
Hi, my name is Leila, I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine. First thing you would like to know – what is my origin? And I’ll tell that’s a vivid mix from all over the world and my name is Arabic origin. All my life I was a very curious kid and especially I was really into reading […]
Time as our precious
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and […]