Paolo Vitale
All began in September 2015, during my third youth exchange (the first in Romania), where I learnt for the first time about the volunteering projects by Erasmus+, the EVS. Since then, I set in my mind to start a journey, thanks to these educative projects that could lead me to increase my English lang. knowledge […]
Manuel Tenreiro Diaz Sirgo
This story starts in Spain specifically in the community of Castilla La Mancha. I did not know what to do with my life and once I was with my friends in a bar and I hear that some people speak english I decide to go to know why they speak english and they star to […]
Paula Olivares
It all started when I finished the university, I did some theoretical and practicaltests to get to the school of dramatic art in Malaga, but when I did not give thegrade to enter the school I saw nothing, I did not know what I could do, if to workor to look for another university race, […]
Irene Álvarez Borge
What doing an EVS (European Voluntary Service) feels like… When I first heard about EVS I was in a taking part in a Youth Exchange in Cyprus in 2014 when I was 20 years old. How I found out about youth exchanges? Well I don’t even remember that one… Just by chance, I guess. Some […]
Eurovolunteers for Youth
Eurovolunteers for Youth Proiectul “Eurovolunteers for Youth” este un proiect al Serviciului European de Voluntariat finantat prin programul Erasmus+, acest proiect se desfasoara pe 11 luni(iunie 2018-mai 2019) in Ramnicu Valcea cu voluntari din Spania si Italia. Proiectul vizeaza dezvoltarea competentelor antrepenoriale, prosociale si civice ale celor 4 voluntari internationali prin realizarea de activitati non […]
Freedom Tales
Freedom Tales Freedom Tales a fost de asemenea un schimb de tineri ce a avut ca tema reflectia asupra modelului social transmis de basme in diferite culturi, acordand o atentie deosebita modelelor de gen (barbati si femei) prezentate in aceste texte. In cadrul proiectului au fost realizate activitati non-formale de constientizare a tipului de societate […]
Proiectul @ACT like an entrepreneur!
ACT Like An Entrepreneur! Proiectul @ACT like an entrepreneur! a fost un schimb de tineri ce a avut ca scop cresterea abilitatii participantilor de a materializa idei de afaceri prin dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale si manageriale. In cadrul proiectului, tinerii au avut ocazia sa experimenteze crearea unei proprii afaceri trecand prin etapele unui plan de afaceri […]
Proiectul @Open your EYE!
Open Your EYE! Proiectul @Open your EYE! (European Youth for Environment) a fost un schimb de tineri ce a avut ca tema constientizarea asupra problemelor de mediu actuale prin metode non-formale prin care sa determine participantii sa treaca de la nivelul declarativ de “iubitor al naturii” la nivelul faptic de pastrator si aparator al mediului […]